Books ( I didn't read the latter two, but they were close contestants):
Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones by Byron Barton. A team of scientists look for, transport, and assemble bones for a museum.
How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? by Jane Yolen. Dinosaurs, like children, misbehave but they love us and we love them!
Dancing with the Dinosaurs by Jane Clarke
Dinosaur Bonesby Bob Barner
"We are the Dinosaurs" by Laurie Berkner. Dinosaurs march, eat, nap, and ROAR
"Dinosaurs in Cars". I was afraid this would be cheesy, but the kids got really into it. You can download it for free from the linked site.
My Costco dino puppets danced with us:
Letter of the Day: Tt for T-Rex
(Imagine my surprise when I was also informed that Torosaurus and Pterodactyl start with a T...As I write this blog, I think I stand corrected on the spelling of these flying dinos)
Flannel: What Dinosaur is Missing?
These kids sure have good memories. They were only momentarily stumped when Lesley secretly removed two dinosaurs.
Thanks for the link to the songs and for the great Storytime ideas.