Monday, December 12, 2011

Wiggle Worms 12-12-11

Thanks for braving the rain to visit with us today!

Animal Song: Old MacDonald

Letter of the Day: Bb for bus and ball

Book: The Boy on the Bus by Penny Dale.  When all the animals want to ride the bus it makes for a noisy bus ride!  We sang this book to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus".

Plush Balls:  We practiced following instructions, hand-eye coordination, and gross motor skills by rolling, passing, bouncing, and tossing plush balls  using the song "Roll, Roll, Roll Your Ball"

Flannel:  "Baa Baa Black Sheep".  We also used a purple, green, and blue sheep for this rhyme and change the ending a little bit.

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
One for my Master, one for my Dame
and one for your child's name who lives down the lane.

Finger Play:  "Rain is Falling Down" (so apropos)

Rain is falling down
Rain is falling down
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Rain is falling down

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