Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pre-K Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Moths

48 kids
5 siblings
38 adults

Thank you to my co-worker Lesley who voluntarily helps me present storytimes that can be interactive and include props.  You really bring storytime to life!!

Before we read about caterpillars, butterflies, and moths, we talked about metamorphosis  a little bit.

Here are some caterpillars and the flying critters they turn into.  Who would have guessed?!

Butterfly, Butterfly by Petr Horacek. Lucy looks everywhere for her butterfly and finally finds it in the sky.

Waiting for Wings by Lois Ehlert (didn't have time to read).


  Don't Worry, Bear by Greg Folley.   PROPS manipulated by Lesley 

Bear worries about Caterpillar in his cocoon when it gets dark (turn off the lights), becomes windy (kids wooosh), starts to rain (mist kids with water), and snows (flurry fake snow over the kids).

 The rain and the snow were big hits!

Here are some snowy kids after storytime:
Movement Activities:
"Harry Caterpillar":  In this recorded song by Robert Davis, Harry Caterpillar wiggles, jiggles, and rolls himself all the way across the street and becomes a butterfly.  These worm rattles made great caterpillars and at the end we tied scarves to them to make butterflies.

Bibbity Boppity Boo:
(I adapted "Willaby Wallaby Woo" to a phrase I would fumble less over: Bibbity Boppity Boo)
(Every kid gets a butterfly)
Bibbity Boppity Boo / a butterfly sat on my shoe
Bibbety Boppity band / a butterfly sat on my hand etc.
Yoga Poses:

We did the "butterfly" pose and what I like to call the "spider on the ceiling" pose
You can check them out here

Letter of the Day:

The butterfly laid these colorful eggs and I guessed what letters were on them based on what words the kids were calling out to me.  I honestly don't look at the "eggs" first.



  1. Replies
    1. Just because I love networking, I tried to check out your blog.... Do you work at a Mesa Library in AZ? I work at the Perry Branch Library in Gilbert.

  2. OMG! OMG! I can't wait to do this all for my butterfly lesson this summer!!! THANKS!
