I always have such a blast organizing and doing this program with my colleague, Allie Burke, while the rest of our staff help direct the flow of traffic and add to the holiday cheer. We put this event on every year for the families in our community.
The PHS students baked 150 gingerbread men for children to decorate and take with them. These students also baked the dozens of gorgeous cookies and set out hot beverages for the pubic to enjoy during the evening. Their culinary instructor, Angela Stutz, helps cater this event.
The PHS choir, led by their instructor Joe Little, sang many of favorite Christmas songs and provided all the lyrics so families to carol along.
The evening concluded with pajama storytime which I led and my (twin) sister helped me with. She is awesome enough to help me every year (and I think we throw a few people off every year too LOL). I read some of my old favorite books but added some new books and activities as well.
Dream Snow by Eric Carle
Snowballs by Lois Ehlert
Three Little Kittens by Paul Galdone

Flannel Activities:
"Santa's New Suit": Santa was all ready for Christmas...except for all the soot on his suit. His elves washed his suit but then it shrunk in the drier. Not only would Santa be cold if he wore it, he looked plain old silly. His elves made him a beautiful blue suit and then a yellow suit, but they were the wrong color. Oh well, it was Christmas Even by then and Santa would have to make due with one of those suits...but then Mrs. Clause surprised him with a gift she had been working hard on!
"Santa's Hat": Santa is definitely in a few predicaments this Christmas! In this flannel, he has so many hats the children had to help him figure out which one was the right one.
"My Kittens Mittens": We hung mittens up on a clothes line just like the cats did in
Three Little Kittens. We put the audience's rhyming skills to the test with this one as we helped my kitten look for her lost mitten:
My poor little kitten lost her mitten
and started to cry, "Boo hoo"
So I helped my kitten look for her mitten
Her beautiful mitten of blue
I found a mitten under my mother's bed
But it wasn't the right one
because it was ..... red
I found a mitten under the kitchen sink
But it wasn't the right one
because it was .... pink, etc.