Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Meet the Worms!

We just finished our summer's second program for school-age kids and we had great fun!
The kids found some worms books to read while waiting for the other kids to check in.

We read Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin - it was very informative!  Spider put his 2 cents in too.
Worm Jokes and Games:
How did worms get to North America?  What do they like to eat?  Play some games with Herman the Worm at http://urbanext.illinois.edu/worms/
Joke:  Why did the worm cross the road?
Answer: To get away from the chicken
Joke: How do you know which end is a worm's head?
Answer: Tickle it in the middle and see which end laughs
Joke: What dance are worms scared of?
Answer: The chicken dance
Craft Time:  Worm Paper Holders

Thank you to Natalie, one of our teen volunteers who helped with this program.

Some finished crafts:

As kids finished their crafts, they headed over to another table for some real worm fun!  Every single worm (27) went home with kids to happy homes, gardens, and house plants.
Thank you to our other teen volunteer, Cassie, who helped with worm fun and safety!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Fairy Habitats Starting to Grow!

This picture was in my email inbox this morning:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fairy Habitats

Fairy Habitats (kid/tween program)

As the kids entered the room, they got name tags and a copy of their fairy names.  The website is http://fairy.namegeneratorfun.com/

The kids had the chance to pick out their fairy house and flower pot while waiting for everyone to arrive and check in.  I had a set up some fairy materials (series, non-fiction, media) for them to browse through and check out.

Once everyone was settled, we talked about some famous fairies from books and movies.  How many can you name?:
Constructing their fairy habitats:
We planted fast-growing grass seed on the side with all the soil.
This autumn leaf habitat was created by one of our guys, Garrett
That frog sure is enjoying the fairy pond!
I'm pretty sure some fairies will be shedding some shimmery fairy dust tonight from all their fluttering around these gorgeous habitats!